To submit your application, please complete these steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile.

Already registered?

To login or reset your password, click here.

Your personal information is collected by our career centre and will be used by l’École de technologie supérieure (“ÉTS”) for the following end:

  • Managing applications
  • Collecting and analyzing CVs
  • Creation of Hiring statistics
  • The creation of an employee file

The collection and processing by ÉTS of this personal information are essential to the selection process and managing your employee file if applicable.

This collection of personal information is mandatory. By refusing to consent to this collection or treatment of your personal information, ÉTS will not be able to complete the selection process.

Your personal information may be communicated to the people participating in the hiring decision.

Under the dispositions of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, c. A-2.1, you have a right of access and a right of correction as is provided in that law.

Your personal information may be communicated outside of Québec.

Consent for the collection and use of your personal information.

By accepting the “Consent for the collection and use of your personal information.”, you confirm to have become aware and understand the information mentioned above concerning the collection and use of your personal information and that you consent to the use and sending of your personal information as indicated on this page. You certify that you have become aware of the instructions above. You declare that, at the best of your knowledge, the information that you have provided hereinabove is accurate and complete.

I agree to Consent for the collect and use of your personal information

Personal Information

Immigration Status

Immigration requirements. In accordance with the prescribed immigration requirements in Canada, all qualified applicants are invited to apply. Please note that priority will be given to Canadians as well as permanent residents. In order to plan any applicable immigration process, it is important to tell us in your application whether you have the ability to work in Canada.

Ex: Google Scholar

Exigences en matière d’immigration. Conformément aux exigences prescrites en matière d’immigration au Canada, tous les candidats qualifiés sont invités à postuler. Veuillez noter que la priorité sera accordée aux Canadiens ainsi qu'aux résidents permanents. Il est important de nous indiquer dans votre dossier si vous avez la capacité de travailler au Canada afin de planifier toute démarche d’immigration applicable

Additional Information

Please tell us if you have a PhD. If you are, please provide us with the date of graduation and the field. If you are in the process of obtaining your degree, please tell us the expected date of graduation.

How did you hear about us?

Please note: any incomplete file will not be taken into consideration.

Upload Your Resume

We ask you to submit your application as a single PDF document.
Note: Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10 MB.

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Application Review

By clicking on the submit button, I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.